My practice is ideal for anyone that suffers with pain, illness, and disease. I have many diagnostic techniques not utilized by standard medicine to uncover hidden reasons for disease. The key to my success is the integration of many holistic techniques that allow me to approach each patient uniquely, and specifically for their needs. When more than one method of treatment is offered, there is a far greater chance of success.
My integrated holistic health system has helped those with depression, back pain, weight gain, PMS, infertility, fatigue, fibromyalgia, allergies, emotional disorders, arthritis, endocrine problems, extremity pain, menopause, autism, ADHD.
My specialties include naturopathic, chiropractic, acupuncture, applied kinesiology, craniosacral therapy, visceral manipulation, myofascial release, emotional release technique, somato-emotional technique, herbology, homeopathy, nutrition, contact reflex analysis, bioset, Naet, ion foot detoxification, microcurrent therapy, foot orthotics, sound chamber therapy, chi kung healing, rife therapy, and more. My system is an integration.
Very few holistic clinics offer this many methods, and all done by the same doctor. It has taken me over 45 years of intense training, study, and being in practice to develop this powerful healing system. The results I get are fantastic with this huge array of healing methods.
Top 3 symptoms of Depression
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Do blood test work?
What is Whole Food Supplement?
What's the Problem?
What are the Solutions for Depression?
4 reasons why Whole Food Supplements are beneficial?
What is the Natural Health & Healing approach?
What is the best way to stay Healthy?