Life Coaching and Emotional Release

Life Coaching and Emotional Release
Life Coaching and Emotional Release

One of the most important factors in health is mental-emotional balance. Mental illness is negative thoughts and suppressed emotions at the core. Dr. Tom Eyrich has spent 45 years developing a holistic system to release and correct negative mental programming. It is a scientific fact that mentaI-emotional stress harms the nervous system, causes negative toxins in

the blood stream, imbalances neurotransmitters and hormones and causes

organs and glands to dysfunction.

Western medicine may give a name to this illness, but the cause is unresolved mental-emotional stress. Releasing these stressors will return the body-mind back to its original vibrant health. Dr. Eyrich is an expert at helping his patients heal at a deep level.

Services offered by Mr. Eyrich:
  • Mental-Emotional Release
  • Guided Imagery end Visualization
  • Deep breathing Techniques
  • Meditation for Stress Reduction
  • Therapeutic Massage - Corrective Bodywork
  • Detoxification Programs
  • Nutritional-Herbal-Homeopathic Treatments
  • Electro-Meridian Imaging
  • Applied Kinesiology Muscle Testing
  • Life Stress Reduction
  • Ionic Foot Detoxification


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