Integrated Holistic Medicine

Integrated Holistic Medicine
Integrated Holistic Medicine

The holistic approach is to identify the cause of an illness not simply trying to suppress symptoms with drugs or even surgery. Most patients do not realize that standard medical technology (blood testing, urinalysis, mammograms, and physical exams) do not diagnose disease until it is very advanced. Anyone receiving a diagnosis of heart disease, cancer, or diabetes (the big 3 in America) has been developing this disease for years!! In other words, the patient kept passing all the tests until the problem became enormous. How much better to discover health imbalances sooner and totally avoid the big 3!! Holistic medicine utilizes other diagnostic tools to identify health problems early and prevent serious pathologies from developing. Once the health imbalance is identified, natural healing methods are used to correct the problem, free of the side effects experienced with medical intervention.

Techniques and Services utilized by Dr. Eyrich
(Over 45 Years of Experience)
  • Chiropractic: both low-force and gentle
  • Naturopathic Medicine methods
  • Acugraph Testing
  • Myofascial Release, Muscle Balancing, Neurotransmitter Testing Trigger Point Therapy
  • Hormonal Testing
  • Craniosacral Manipulation
  • Emotional Release Technique
  • TMJ (jaw) correction
  • Visceral Manipulation
  • Applied Kinesiology
  • Allergy Testing and Elimination
  • SOT (Sacro-Occipital Technic)
  • Herbology
  • Acupuncture (with or without needles)
  • Nutritional Supplementation
  • Cupping Homeopathy
  • Moxibustion
  • Detoxification Programs
  • Gua Sha
  • Addiction Removal
  • Percussor Technic
  • Children’s Healthcare
  • Oxygen Therapy
  • Fertility Treatments
  • Sound Chamber
  • Weight Loss
  • Spinal Decompression Therapy
  • Chelation
  • Shoe Orthotics
  • Hair Analysis
  • Tonic Foot Detoxification
  • Acupuncture Face Lifts and Cosmetic
  • Microcurrent Therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Cold Laser Therapy
  • A great pair of healing, knowing, corrective hands!!!
  • Biomeridian Testing
  • Nano SRT

This integrated approach allows patients to receive benefits quickly without going to Several different doctors and therapists.

Try my advanced system!!

This is an Integrated Holistic Practice offering many techniques. The combination of all these methods allows the patients to heal with much faster and more effectively. Some of these techniques are:

Chiropractic: both low force and osseous manipulations to align the entire spine and all extremity joints.

Acupuncture: both with needles or non-needle to balance the nerve flow and energy flows in the body that cause pain, organ-glandular dysfunction and illness.

Craniosacral therapy: to align and mobilize the cranial bones and jaw (TMJ) which has a tremendous effect on health and pain relief.

Myofascial release: mobilizing all the muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia and membranes to increase range of motion and relieve pain.

Visceral manipulation: adjusts all organs in the body that are out of alignment such as a hiatal hernia, dropped bladder and uterus, intestinal blockages, adhesions in the lungs, gallbladder stasis, liver congestion and kidney ptosis. Allows the organs to function at optimal performance.

Biomeridian electro-dermal scanning: the most complete medical test a patient can receive!!! Tests for food allergies, organisms (yeast, fungus, virus, bacteria, parasites, amoebas , Lyme, flukes and worms), heavy metals, chemical toxins, phenolics, radiation, environmental toxins, and any immune system stressor. Also testing for all supplements that can balance and heal the health concern. Without testing, most supplements taken do not help!!!! Also tests for emotional imbalances, organ-glandular imbalances missed by blood exams, hormones, neurotransmitters, and diseases.

Hair analysis test: uses the hair on the scalp to assess all the endocrine systems, heavy metals, and mineral status of the body. One of the most useful tests a patient can do to find imbalances and correct them.

Applied Kinesiology: a
wonderful technique of diagnosis and therapy using manual muscle testing to find

structural, chemical, organ glandular, emotional, nutritional and other imbalances.

Emotional Release: a
healing method of identifying emotions stored in the body that cause illness and pain.

Mental-emotional factors are paramount to address in many health problems.

Some of the other healing methods offered by Dr. Eyrich are cold laser therapy, frequency microcurrent, spinal decompression and 45
years of developing healing hands.

To achieve the best possible health, the organs and glands must be properly diagnosed to pinpoint the proper therapeutic measures. Most diseases are at the “functional" level, meaning that they are not bad enough to show on standard evaluations or lab testing. Our clinic has severol holistic diagnostic tools to uncover problems, such as our EMI Test. Our clinic office offers various holistic methods to treat disease and health disorders because the integration of more than one technique is far more effective. Also, patients respond to different techniques, so our staff has multiple approaches or each patient. Some of these techniques are chiropractic (both manual and also gentle, lowforce methods), acupuncture (also needle-less), craniosacral therapy, myofascial release, whoIe food supplement therapy, herbalogy, homeopathy, emotional release therapy, applied kinesiology, and lifestyle management. This combination allows our stay to treat the triad of health or structuralfactors, chemicalfactors, and mentalfactors.

Few physicians treat this many factors, and this is the reason our clinic helps even the toughest health problems. Some of these are fibromyalgia, celiac disease, gluten sensitivitles/allergies, chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, PMS, dysmenorrhea, menopausal symptoms, hormonal imbalances, high cholesterol, blood pressure, ADHD, autism, immune system deficiencies, weight problems, headaches, any kind of pain, structural pain, TMJ, feeling sick all the time, toxicity, memory loss, digestive disorders, heart problems, and blood sugar imbalances. All diseases at the root are imbalances in the organs and glands are effectively treatable with holistic procedures, with no side effects.

Now is the time to feel great and live the life you deserved!


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