Today, many people feel sick all the time. They go to medical doctors that run blood tests, urinalysis, and x-rays and still don’t find any answers. The reason is the testing is not uncovering the source of the pain. I call them the five hidden factors.
Food Sensitivities & Allergies
Many people react to the food that they eat. The body treats the food as a foreign invader and attacks it causing inflammation, bloating, gas, nausea, abdominal cramping, and pain. These food sensitivities must be identified and can be eliminated with desensitization techniques.
It is common to have a yeast/fungal overgrowth in the gut, parasites, harmful bacteria, and viruses in the body. The Lyme’s spirochete can also be found in many patients. Natural therapy is addressed to rid the body of these organisms.
Heavy Metal Toxicity
Aluminum, lead, mercury, cadmium, arsenic and others can be found in excessive amounts in the body. These metals are extremely detrimental to health and must be eliminated.
Chemical Toxicity
Virtually everyone has chemical toxicity from pesticides, cosmetics, paint, nail products, silver fillings, gasoline, cleaning products, pollution, bad water, dental work, and medical drugs. These poisons must be eliminated to be healthy.
A scar can block the flow of energy in the body and negatively affects the nervous system. Once the scar is released many symptoms will disappear immediately.
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