The health of the heart and cardiovascular system is of huge importance in modern times. The number of heart attacks and strokes keeps rising as well as heart surgeries and invasive medical procedures. As a holistic doctor of over 45 years, I believe there needs to be much better education for heart health and maintaining a healthy heart. By the time medical diagnostics uncovers a problem it is an advanced situation. How to keep your heart functioning well?
First of all, the heart functions on nutrition not Drugs! In my practice we educate about the best supplements, herbs, and nutrients for heart health. I tell my patients you must feed your heart and Vascular system to keep it healthy.
One of the biggest problems affecting the heart is inflammation. Factors that inflame the heart are chemical toxins, heavy metals, organisms, food allergens, emotional stress, insulin resistance, poor diets, and deficiencies of nutrients to name a few. My practice focuses on what factors are causing heart inflammation for each patient. When the heart and vessels are inflamed, cholesterol lays down on the arteries to cool down the inflammation. It is there because of inflammation. Statin cholesterol drugs have failed in preventing heart attacks and strokes because it is not the cause!! Lowering cholesterol does not work for the vast majority of heart patients. There are also very effective nutrients and herbs that regulate fat metabolism Without side effects.
Holistic medicine also offers other diagnostic techniques to uncover heart problems early. My practice offers EMI testing, biomeridian scanning, hair follicle testing, Applied Kinesiology testing, and pulse diagnosis with great results.
Chiropractic and acupuncture treatments work incredibly well for heart health increasing blood circulation, decreasing inflammation, and enhancing nerve flow. Acupuncture can be done as a non-needle technique if you are needle phobic. The idea is to improve your heart and optimize the function.
Even if you are on a medical program, adding holistic techniques will give you a much better result. I do not believe medical intervention is enough to maintain a healthy heart. Now is the time for a heart evaluation from a holistic point of view and greatly reduce your risk of heart attacks and strokes.
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